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5. Examples
(i) An animation will be displayed in negative colors and a smaller
version of the anim will be placed in the right colors over
the `negative` animation
*STREAM to negativ and save to TEMP1
*STREAM to halve and save to STREAM
*Compose TEMP1 as background and STREAM as foreground
and save to STREAM
pc_add negative stream temp1
pc_add scale stream stream width/2 height/2
pc_add compose width/3 height/3 100 temp1 stream stream none
*The ARexx-notation is very useful. So you can take the examples
as macros and you`ll learn how to use the ARexx port of Wildfire,
*Of course you should try out the examples inside the program,
first. Just start WILDFIRE , klick on the PROCESSOR-GADGET,
and push the ADD BUTTON. Doubleclick on NEGATIVE and doubleclick
on the NEGATIVE entry in the script. Now you can select STREAM as INPUT and
TEMP1 as output. Do the needed things for the other 2 commands, too.
*width and height are the height and the width of the animation or
the single-pictures. With the ARexx commands "T_ANIMINFO" or
"T_PICINFO" you can get the needed details.
(ii) An animation will be placed on a colored background using a white
border with shadow.
*create a colored background with width+80 and height+80 in
*create a white picture with width+20 and height+20 in "TEMP2"
the border-size is 10 pixels (20/2)
*create a black picture with width+20 and height+20 in "TEMP3"
the border-size is 10 pixels, too
*place the black picture on the colored background with offset
40x40 pixels
*place the white picture on the colored background (now with
the black picture on it) with offset 30x30
*all these things you have to do ONLY 1 time, the result-picture
will be saved to buffer "TEMP1" and will NOT be changed anymore!
So we can tell Wildfire that it has to do this
effect only for the first frame!
*every picture from the animation will be placed with
offset 40x40 on the created colored picture with black and white
/* create background and save to TEMP1 */
pc_add createimage temp1 width+80 height+80 255 0 0 255 255 0 0 255 0 0 0 255
pc_add createimage temp2 width+20 height+20 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
pc_add createimage temp3 width+20 height+20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pc_add compose 40 40 100 temp1 temp3 temp1 none
pc_add compose 30 30 100 temp1 temp2 temp1 none
/* only do this operations at frame 1 */
pc_select createimage 1
pc_to 1
pc_select createimage 2
pc_to 1
pc_select createimage 3
pc_to 1
pc_select compose 1
pc_to 1
pc_select compose 2
pc_to 1
/* compose STREAM with TEMP1 for every animation-picture */
pc_add compose 40 40 100 temp1 stream stream none